Senin, 17 Februari 2014

9D Account Creation Tool 2014

A small tool for those who followed ZeroBurner's tutorial on Rage Zone.
This tool is simply to ease the account creation process for your private servers.
Before you can use it you have to create a specific stored procedure on your database. I have provided the .SQL file for this in the folder.

New in my stored procedure compared to ZeroBurners stored procedure is:
- You can create accounts even if the DB is empty.
- It checks for existing accounts with same ID and does nothing if it exists.
- Account creation additionally ajusts GameConnect table and MaxAuid table.
- And there are several extra functions (like creating special class account if you use 'ndtester' as User ID,


1. Before first usage: Log into your DB and execute the SQL-File with SQL Server Management Tool
-> This will create the needed Stored Procedure.

2. Start 9Dragons Account Creator Tool.

3. Type in the DB credentials for the System Administrator (SA).
->Login info gets saved into config file so you do not have to type them in future creations.

4. Type in Username/Password you wish to create.

5. Press "Create" button.

6. Log into 9D and enjoy!

ADDITIONAL INFO: This Tool is not necessary for any kind of creation since you can easily do it by query. I just programmed it for self-use a while ago and decided to share it.

                                                        DOWNLOAD HERE
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